lundi 21 mars 2011

I will not support Ennahdha! and you?

We are finally going to vote freely in Tunisia. Like all of you I ask myself questions and I am looking for the political party that will represent me. It is not easy because most still do not articulate their positions and no party has yet to really program.In short, pending yet I know who I will vote against the other or say, I know who I will never vote!This party is that of Rachid Ghanouchi: Ennahdha! Why? Simply because it is a party that uses violence to impose its views. It's a party that accepts that Tunisians are pummeled, beaten, terrorized, ... if it can advance their cause.

It's a party that promotes the dark side there is in each individual.Her strength comes not from the love that the "Muslim" other door but "hatred" of difference and "segregation" religious, ethnic, sexual, ... which are the richness of humanity!Tunisia is the result of thousands of years of brewing civilizational, cultural, ethnic, religious, ...!And then this Rached Ghanouchi spent 20 years living in England right? His children have grown seemingly  become Punks, Junky ... No? Is not the demonstration that we can educate his children according to Islamic precepts (each his own) but have no need to be in an Islamic country?
And is not this precisely the freedom that allowed him to live in freedom without fear for their lives and those of his relatives? And his dual nationality also allowed him to enjoy the social system of the country that granted him hospitality! That is to say that people of different faiths, different sexualities, of different "Races" ... for everything he despises allowed him to live with dignity!

And Fuck !!!! he returned to Tunisia with the same backward ideas of 20 years ago!In the name of any God, how religion can accept terrorist acts?Personally I send all these wandering preachers with two bullets, I stick to the facts!Neither our Prophet Mohammed, or any of the Sahaba never a woman disfigured in the name of Islam. They have never killed a community in the name of Allah. They have never been the glorification of violence and hatred to consolidate their power!Also, many preachers of his new push is seen everywhere in Tunisia for the vast majority of ex-alcoholics, opportunists who donned the garb of religion itself acquires a pipe! And they drift into extremism to the death! All women are whores, impure and yet have people like them who harassed them, slept with them by promising to move the ring finger ... So they try to sweep shot hadith "they do not even understand "the rightness of their struggle!Are fucking shit! We accept that they open but do not put up with them give a damn! Or worse they may think differently!In short, and sincerely Ennahdha is not for me! and she will never be !!! Thanks God 

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