The formule used as an excuse.
The fact of error betrays an incomplete knowledge, a decision that is not insured and finally a being who is not quite perfect. We are fallible and we must beware of ourselves. It distrusts the man who has lied once, but here, with the error, it's the thought that deceives us, and it therefore undermines the trust we place spontaneously to our reason. Who am I, I who can deceive myself?
The existence of the error is troubling. Have we not cause to regret the limitations of our faculties? Human beings would not it be more admirable if luck, providence or some other cause had with capabilities beyond reproach? Less dangerous perhaps, but not estimable, because true knowledge then it would be about as necessary as the result given by a computing machine - that nobody has ever thought to be congratulated.
What deserves to be omniscient he would never make a mistake?No, it is truth itself. But the human being, who makes a mistake every time he gives an opinion without being informed or pronounce lightly, through prejudice or impatience, in charge of curbing his trial: he must learn not to give his adhesion to what he understands and knows enough.
The possibility of error means that the accuracy and certainty of our knowledge are our work and our merit. The man has no other perfections than he acquired himself - here, by resolution of judging well, that is to say they will not advocate that knowledge.
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The error is human, i say, but how would it human? What would our species do alone if she is privileged to be wrong? A look around us,and without great observers, do not we see the animals around usmaking mistakes, allowing us also to make them fall into traps thateventually we are reaching.
Admittedly, many of us still have remained at the stage of animalsobeying their instincts, then the same for all species, not to learn toknow because it's innate, and intelligent men, that is to saydifferent from each other, therefore with the need to learn before knowing, and learning source of unsuccessful attempts, unfortunatemistakes. The cons of being part of the summit of creation.
Creating precisely the creation of what? That of making mistakes!At least we would make mistakes, than we would be close toperfection, the latter consisting in particular never to makemistakes. The man would be born perfect at the origin (animal species are assumed to be in their respective fields), and ended up swimming in his mistakes he would seek not to renew.
Still a chance that the theory of evolution has been there for us tothink that the error is the result of choice, the choice is inherent infreedom, and that the possibility of freedom, it's just life. Is there lifeshe would have a meaning, if not all living things had a certaindegree of freedom, the first being to make mistakes?
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